
What is a Yankee bet?

A Yankee bet is a full cover, where singles are not included.
The betting slip consist of 4 selections and covers all combinations, resulting in 11 separate bets:
- 6 doubles: AB, AC, AD, BC, BD and CD
- 4 trebles: ABC, ABD, ACD and BCD
- 1 quad: ABCD

The ante on each of these 11 bets is equal.

When it comes to a Yankee bet, you can’t wager on more than outcome in a sporting event. For example, if you want to bet on a horse race, you can’t bet on one horse to be the winner and another horse to place. Each selection in your Yankee bet has to be of completely independent events.

Minimal 2 selections have to be correct to be entitled to a pay-out.

A yankee bet including the singles bets is called a Super 15 bet (15 separate bets).

Why use a Yankee bet?

The biggest advantage between a Yankee bet and a 4 fold accumulator is that you still get some money back (sometimes even a profit) if one or more of the selections is incorrect.

Let's assume that there are 4 selections all with odds of 2.0.
When the 4 fold accumulator is correct, the pay-out would 16 euro for a 1 euro bet but when one selection is incorrect, the complete accumulator is lost.
The Yankee can be on the other hand more expensive, but can also be much more rewarding. When playing all combinations for 1 euro, the total ante would be 11 euros. But when all correct the pay-out would be:
- 6 doubles of 4 euro = 24 euro
- 4 trebles of 8 euro = 24 euro
- 1 quad of 16 euro
Total pay-out = 64 euro.

With one incorrect selection the payout would be:
- 3 doubles of 4 euro = 12 euro
- 1 trebles of 8 euro
Pay-out with one incorrect selection = 20 euro's so still a profit.

With two incorrect selections, still a pay-out is rewarded:
- 1 double of 4 euro, so a loss of 7 euros.

So a Yankee bet is about spreading the risk. And is most suitable when playing correct score, underdogs, HF/FT bets, etc.... The thing is that your chances of winning a fourfold accumulator with such selection on a betting slip are much slimmer than when playing a Yankee.
Suppose that when you combine 4 correct score bets on a Yankee betting slip, 2 winning selection are gooed enough to make a profit.

I would play a 4 fold accumulator for 1 euro, but I would never play a Yankee of 11 euros.
@ my preferred bookie Unibet, the minimal ante is 0,1 euro. So when I do play a Yankee my ante per combination is 0,1 euro for a total ante of 1,1 euros.

So choose wisely!

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